Dec 14, 2017
“Readers are going to go crazy for this!” What’s a cine-book?  (cover)

Featured by the Bookseller, the UK’s longest-standing magazine, praised by the New York Times and USA Today’s bestselling authors, the cine-book format is gaining popularity among contemporary fiction authors around the world. For those who haven’t heard much about it yet, we made a short, descriptive guide to our brand-new creation. What might your reader expect from a cine-book? Read on!

The “eyes” have it! The power of visual adaptations.

So, what’s a cine-book? Basically, it’s a digital book that not only can be read, but also listened to and even watched! Embracing the visual world we live in, we created a unique entertainment book-reading experience, presented in the “read,” “listen,” and “watch” modes.

Let’s review all three of them individually.

1. Read.

“Readers are going to go crazy for this!” What’s a cine-book?

The reading mode implies a high-quality cinematic illustration on each page with a particular paragraph of a story. The reader can flip through the pages at any speed. Pause, fast forward, or rewind to any segment can be found through the navigation panel. No one will get lost in your story! It’s literally spread out before your readers’ eyes.  

2. Listen.

“Readers are going to go crazy for this!” What’s a cine-book?

Those who prefer listening to reading might enjoy a simple, yet creative, voiceover. Your story turns not only into an audiobook, but into a play - a theatre book - with skillful voice-acting. Your reader can just relax on the sofa, diving into the world of characters’ remarks flavored with atmospheric soundtracks.  

3. Watch.  

“Readers are going to go crazy for this!” What’s a cine-book?

The most favorable mode for the majority of readers as it recalls the cinematic experience in many ways. The high-quality illustrations are supplied with animations and special effects that make images vivid. Raindrops fall, characters breathe, a watch is swinging. Your book literally comes alive (with the audio mode switched on automatically). So, a reader is watching and listening to a story at the same time. Moreover, one can read it too, switching on the subtitles. The images follow each other automatically, allowing the reading experience to flow. All illustrations are in high resolution, including Ultra HD 4K, so a book can be watched on a big screen via AirPlay or Chromecast. Reading your book is no longer a solitary experience—people will engage their spouses, family, and friends in reading your book together.   

In addition, your reader will freely switch between the read, listen, and watch modes. Thus, if stopped at the particular paragraph, one can easily resume experiencing it in the audio or reading mode. 

Finally, here is one of the key features of the cine-book. Unlike traditional movie adaptations, we keep the full original text of the piece! We just add a comprehensive and exciting visual side. Therefore, a reader can easily plunge into the atmosphere of a book, not diverting their attention to extra content (as often happens with enhanced books).  

Overall, the cine-book is a great format to prove if the plot of the story is good enough for further movie adaptation!


It’s easy to give it a go! If you see your story visualized in a cine-book format, just write to CINE-BOOKS Publishing Director Nataliya Vynogradska at, requesting the redemption code that will allow you to download one of our completed books for free. We are looking forward to collaborating with you!

Explore CINE-BOOKS and its great possibilities!

Please note that you need a tablet to experience cine-books.

So far, it is possible to READ, LISTEN TO, & WATCH the cine-books using tablets that meet the following operating system requirements:

  • Amazon Kindle - 4.4 or newer
  • Android - 4.4 or newer + it is possible to stream the books to the big screen via the Chromecast app
  • iOS - 8.1 or newer +  it is possible to stream the books to the big screen via the Apple TV. 

Mobile and web versions are coming soon.

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