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Available languages: English
Publisher: CINE-BOOKS Entertainment Ltd.


Writers: Simeon Lumgair
Genre: Drama
Type: Film
Length: 10 min
"Simeon Lumgair's Éluder is smart, slick and stylish too. Watch it for its engaging tale and a brilliant climax."
Surabhi Redkar, Film Critic

"Bravo il regista Simeon Lumgair a cogliere lo stato d`animo e i pensieri di entrambi i personaggi e a trasmetterli agli spettatori...Un buon lavoro da guardare con piacere."
Dr. Daniele Buzzurro, Film Critic

"I really enjoyed this short by Simeon Lumgair. Watch Éluder."
Andrea Thompson, Film Critic

"It’s a stylish piece of work, from the classy Hitchcockian title animation to the soft focus glow of the lighting."
Benedict Seal, Film Critic

"We loved your film ÉLUDER, and so did a lot of the viewers. Several people came up to me after we showed your film to tell me how great it was."
Garret Autrey, Brownsville International Film Festival

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