
New Photo Stories Contest (cover)

Dear friends!

We’ve got something interesting for you! As you know, our first Photo Stories Contest has already finished and it has great success! However, we have received a large number of letters from photographers who were desirous to take part in the competition but, unfortunately, were not able to finish their photo stories in time, we decided to proclaim this year - a year of photo contests!

How to upload a Photo Story (cover)

Click “UPLOAD A STORY” to go to the Downloader.

The loader consists of 6 consecutive steps.

Step 1: Write the Title of the story, select the “Genre”, and add a “Description” of the story…

How to create a Photo Story (cover)

The main thing that distinguishes a Photo Story from a simple photo shoot is the plot. The plot is a sequence of events, interactions of the heroes, in which their characters are shown, and therefore revealing the idea of the story.


The rules for writing cine-stories scripts are very similar to traditional TV and feature film screenplays but are not as strict with regard to formatting. It doesn’t mean you can go off the industry format so stick to the main rules.

CINE-BOOKS iPhone App is launched! (cover)

Great news!

Check out the revolutionary reading mobile app that offers a completely new kind of storytelling entertainment for the whole family. It combines the advantages of both books and movies!

Cine-books are a new kind of animated books, highly visualized with the closest attention to details. You may read them as fully illustrated ebooks, listen to as audio-books or watch like movies with dynamic animations and special effects on your iPad.

Voting for contemporary cine-books is open! (cover)

Great news!

We are glad to announce that we’ve launched the voting campaigns for contemporary fiction titles registered on the CINE-BOOKS Platform. The campaigns will last 90 days from the project’s page publication on the platform, and a project’s author/rights holder will receive a cine-book publishing deal if it reaches 1,000 votes and is short-listed for further selection by a producer and/or investor for cine-book production.

CINE-BOOKS has published an article in "Publishers Weekly"! (cover)

PW is an American weekly news magazine targeted at publishers, librarians, booksellers, and literary agents. Published continuously since 1872, it has carried the tagline, “The International News Magazine of Book Publishing and Bookselling". We are glad to be published in PW and share information about the unique cine-book format — a hybrid digital book, combining e-books, video, illustration, and audiobooks into an exciting new format.

You can read the article here.

Enjoy our new feature! Watch cine-books directly on your desktop computer or laptop. (cover)

Good news!

The previews of all released cine-books are now available at our STORE

You don’t even have to log in to watch them. Just scroll down to the “START WATCHING” section on any cine-book page and take a sneak peak.

Spooky, thrilling, and exciting. The trailer of “The Tell-Tale Heart” cine-book is out (cover)

We are happy to present you the trailer of “The Tell-Tale Heart” cine-book.

The short Gothic horror tale of murder and terror written by Edgar Allan Poe was released by the CINE-BOOKS team last fall. Now, the preview of the story in our unique digital format is available. Enjoy!


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